Thursday, November 5, 2009

Annotation Project Image

The Morning After Pill: Emergency Contraception (Plan B)


1. Is their a certain age group that rely's more on the Plan B method?

2. How popular has it become, now that people are aware they have this option?

3. How safe is the Plan B pill and what are its sideaffects?

4. How does Plan B- One Step work?

5. What are the emotional affects that come after you have chosen to do this?

6. How could your decisions affect your religious views?


Plan B One-Step

Frequently Asked Questions (Question Number Two on the Website goes with Question Number Four on my Blog)

Side Effects

Debate on Emergency Contreception

1 comment:

  1. These questions look pretty good overall, but as I mentioned in class, I'd suggest adding maybe one or two more general questions, something about contraception and unintended pregnancy rates maybe? What are the statistics and psychology of women who don't want to get pregnant but engage in sex without having "planned ahead"? Or are many of the users of Plan B those whose contraception methids have failed? Also something about the objections some conservatives have had to it, and difficulties of getting it approved in this country (if I'm remembering correctly). Also it might be interesting to take a historical slant--were there herbs or some sort of behavior women did to prevent pregnancy before drugs become available? (Just trying to brainstorm a bit...)I'd just like to see you "open this up" a bit beyond just te sort of info you'd get in Plan B pamphlet.
