Friday, October 16, 2009

Ethnography: Rough Draft

CNA Station at A Nursing Home

For my Ethnography I decided to write about a CNA station the Nursing Home I used to work at. I haven’t put anything together really, but here’s what I have.

~Five CNA’s gather inside the little room behind the Nurses’ station so they can receive a report of what happened that day before they start their shift.

~Two CNA’s are talking about their kids and how they are struggling in middle school, and high school.

~Their uniforms are multicolored, one aide has a Scooby Doo scrub top on, another has a modern floral print on hers, two other aides have solid color scrubs on, one with a navy blue colored one on, the other in a lime green, with the same color pants to match. They have their nametags attached to their scrub tops, and they have there gait belts tied around their waists. Three had sneakers, and the other two had comfortable white nurses shoes on. All of the aides had their hair up in ponytails and one of the older aides had her hair up in a tight bun.

~After they receive report from the nurse they have to start the work they have to do. Most of them complain that its going to be a long night, and they cant wait to have a day off.

~Two of the younger aides talk about going out after they leave work at 11:15. They are going to Playoff’s Club on North Main Street in Fall River.

~Throughout their shift, they go back into their station to relax in between patients, they get some crackers and juice from the kitchen and eat their snack while they text their kids.

~When they are done with their assignment, the aides grab the documentation books, pull up a seat, get some more crackers and document what they did that day.

~Once they are done, some grab the newspaper and talk about the economy and the others talk about how much of a bad job the aides on the first shift do, how they are lazy and don’t do their job right, and then they have to fix their mess.

~As the time gets closer to 11:15 some change into regular clothes so they can be dressed to go out after work, another goes hide out in the bathroom so she doesn’t have to answer any last minute call lights, and the others patiently wait for clock out time.

~When 11:15 comes they all rush out of work, tired, dying to go home.

These are just notes, I didn’t put anything in an essay form yet, but am I going in the right direction with this, or is their something else I should add on to it? What other details could I add on? Should I leave out any of the details I listed


  1. I think what you have is good, and when it is in essay form it will sound even better =]

  2. i think what you have is real good . the way you have it set up in different small paragraphs makes you see how when the essay is written out it will have a lot of details .i think the details you have are good .

  3. Melinda--

    Sorry to take so long to get to this! (Commenting is taking *way* longer than I expected.)

    I think you've got a good start here and this is a good choice of topic--I think the focus on the work room is fine, but also include info about what goes on through shift. I'd include more description of the work they do with patients maybe? or if you want to keep setting the nurses' station, at least more talk about it (or don't they talk about difficult patients). You could also get this information in as they chart up what they've done. What sort of language do they use in these charts? Remember your job is to give us the inside scoop on what goes on in this subculture (topics of conversation is good! maybe some more specific dialogue?)

    Nice physical description of CNA's (but what's a gait belt?) Maybe include some dialogue as the two gossip (you can recreate/imagine it based on what you remember)? Include as well some description of the little CNA-room itself. Is it personalized in any way? Made cheerful? What's on walls, bulletin boards, etc?

    I hope you've started to get this into essay form. It's got great potential, I think!
